Welcome to my blog! I'm interested in all things astronomy, which you'll
find evident in all my posts. Want to learn about weird, wacky variable
stars or far-flung planets? Come visit.
This website is a continuation of my old blog, which will serve as an
external archive for my old posts. You can check it out
. It's a bit of a time capsule and the writing's on the
rougher side, so it's not going to be perfect!
If you're here, take a look at this: A persistent project I started inspired by the likes of 3b1b and Khan Academy's written resources. this link to go and peruse the culmination of several months of work!

The Ever-Elusive Intermediate-Mass Black Hole
Published: at 11:00 AMLearn about the hidden class of black holes we've still yet to find definitive proof for!
Centaurs and Comets - Far-Flung balls of Ice
Published: at 09:04 AMExploring the icy objects of the solar system through a tour of centaurs and comets!
Excalibur Lost - Test Book Review
Published: at 11:30 PMTrying something new with the books I read! Wrote a Starship's Mage review a couple years ago, so just trying to see if there's any improvement to my writing at the moment.
T Coronae Borealis - The "Soon-To-Be" Nova
Published: at 11:38 PMThat nova the news' been telling you about - where is it? Why's it still missing? Find out in this article!
Dev Blog 2 - Lore
Published: at 11:37 PMDeveloping Lore is difficult!
The Phoenix Stars - The Background of Born Again Events
Published: at 11:25 PMDelve into born-again events - the 'phoenixes' of the Universe! How do they work? What causes them to rise from the dead husk of a White Dwarf once again? Read the article to learn more.
Dev Blog 1 - Project Announcement
Published: at 12:30 PMMy new worldbuilding project and what I want to do with it!
Touching the Sun - Hot Jupiters
Published: at 10:20 PMHot Jupiters. What are they, and how will they die? Find out here in this article!
Pluto's Planetary Sister - Triton
Published: at 06:30 AMLearn all about Triton, Neptune's disproportionately large moon, and why we should be going back for more observations! Read the article now.
NASA, don't decommission Chandra!
Published: at 11:00 PMNASA's got some news for Chandra, our best (and only) x-ray observatory. Astronomers aren't happy.
Brown Dwarfs
Published: at 12:36 AMIs it a planet? Is it a star? No! It's a brown dwarf. Unravel their secrets by peeling back the layers of their dense clouds, brace yourselves against the searing heat of an L-Type dwarf, and journey through the wild world of brown dwarfs - one that'll leave you starry-eyed.
The Jewel of the Crown - R Coronae Borealis
Published: at 08:59 PMLet's take a look at R Coronae Borealis Variables! From their formation to their demise in three minutes.
An Astronomy Advocacy Adventure - Chapter 1
Published: at 09:40 PMReflecting on a personal project of mine, in the most light polluted city on the planet!
The AGN Syndicate - The Brief Briefing
Published: at 08:53 PMBand together in this original adventure, where you roleplay as a party of red dwarfs!
Euclid's Here!
Published: at 09:58 PMAn astrophysical future - ESA's Euclid Telescope and how it works.
Recent Posts
The Unicorn's Enigma - V838 Monocerotis
Published: at 12:53 AMInto the light echo of V838 Monocerotis!
Iron Lung - Rundown & Review
Published: at 11:25 PMReviewing Iron Lung, a critically-acclaimed retro horror game set in the far future!
SN 2023ixf - Dissecting a Supernova from Start to Finish
Published: at 08:12 PMSupernova in our galactic neighbourhood?
My Attempt at Web Development - One-Line Solutions Galore
Published: at 10:30 PMIs web development really accessible from the get-go?